Carter on Frederick Douglass: Expanding Liberty: A Quick Post-Independence...
The following excerpt comes from Dr. J. Kameron Carter’s post on Frederick Douglass. If you haven’t read Dr. Carter’s recent book, published by Oxford University Press,Race: A Theological Account, I...
View ArticlePart I: Joerg Rieger and Frederick Douglass on the “Myth of Individualism”...
In the context of discussing Lacan’s distinction between “realism” as that which the dominant group takes as reality—master narratives, nationalisms etc. belong here—and the real, the underside of...
View ArticlePart II: Joerg Rieger and Frederick Douglass on the “Myth of Individualism”...
Although elsewhere I bring Douglass’s insights into conversation with Hegel’s master/slave dialectic, here I want to focus on how Douglass’s observations converge and resonate with Rieger’s thoughts on...
View ArticleRowan Williams on Waiting, Quiet Reflection, and a Baby that Changed Everything
Archbishop Rowan Williams describes Advent as a “time of waiting.” He then unpacks what that means for the Christian and how our Western culture generally speaking (Christians included), have real...
View ArticleCelebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2011: On War as an Enemy of the Poor
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., I have decided to comment briefly on excerpts from his 1967 speech “Beyond Vietnam.” King had recently joined voices with others in the community both religious and...
View ArticlePart I: Augustine and Foucault on Developing an Ethic of Humility,...
In my first post of this series, I focus on Augustine. Then in my subsequent posts, I bring in Foucault as a dialogue partner. In chapter eight of the Confessions, Augustine tells us that he had come...
View ArticlePart III: Augustine and Foucault on Developing an Ethic of Humility,...
As we have seen, with the old categories of sin and salvation transmuted into the language of pathology and cure, the role of experts in our everyday lives becomes increasingly common and (seemingly)...
View ArticleUnmasking Socio-Political Rhetorical Strategies, Augustine and Foucault on...
Like Augustine, Foucault too manifests concern for the marginalized of society, devoting himself to the study of prisons and mental institutions and to the ways in which these structures and their...
View ArticlePart I: Un-Masking Marauders à la Augustine and Foucault
Anyone who has studied with care Augustine’s masterpiece, City of God, particularly the first five books as well as book nineteen, would, I believe, see a very socially engaged, politically astute...
View ArticlePart II: Un-Masking Marauders à la Augustine and Foucault
In his book, Discipline and Punish, Foucault discusses at great length how modern scientific discourses (and their attendant practices) are employed to further a rhetoric of progress and to mask new...
View ArticleMartin Luther King Jr. on Human Solidarity, An Inescapable Network of...
In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s essay, “Nonviolence and Racial Justice,” he observes that true peace requires “the presence of some positive force—justice, good will and brotherhood.” In today’s...
View ArticleBook Plug: Incarnational Realism. Trinity and Spirit in Augustine and Barth...
Travis E. Ables’s book, Incarnational Realism. Trinity and Spirit in Augustine and Barth, takes as its point of departure the late 20th century claim that Latin Christianity lacks a robust...
View ArticleBook Plug: Interstitial Soundings. Philosophical Reflections on...
My new book, Interstitial Soundings. Philosophical Reflections on Improvisation, Practice, and Self-Making, is now available for purchase. Below I have included a brief description of the book. Also,...
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